Dear Music Educators,
During these difficult and rapidly changing times, we want to continue to be the best possible resource for you, your students, and your music programs. In our 97-year history, Zeswitz Music has outlasted the Great Depression, 14 other recessions, World War II, and every war since then. Now, as we face our latest challenge in the form of the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic, we are pleased to reassure you that we are in a position of strength and retain our deep desire stay focused on our mission: to support school music programs.
You have shown us, via your social media, tremendous resolve and resilience of your own. We’re continually impressed by your creative an innovative ways to keep your students motivated and making music while at home. Some notable examples of your outstanding perseverance include:
High school students making instructional videos for elementary students on fundamental skills.
Contests for students to choose their own learning, including a BINGO video competition.
Collaboration with school administrators to provide building entry and access to instruments left at schools.
We are inspired by your amazing efforts and encourage you to stay strong and keep going! For our part, here are a few things Zeswitz Music is doing:
Our repair shop and administrative teams are operating at full strength, practicing the best social distancing and work-from-home policies we can implement. You and your students should continue to request repair service via Remember that you can check the status of any repair or student rental with our Teacher Portal:
We can arrange for home delivery or provide curbside service by appointment for any needs, including loaners and accessories. Parents should contact us to make arrangements.
We have compiled a list of distance learning resources for you below, including free licenses for software including SmartMusic and MusicFirst among others, excellent video content from our friends Dr. Scott Watson and Dr. Steve Selfridge, and more resources from NAfME and The NAMM Foundation.
Music is essential. We will get through this together. Zeswitz Music is here for you and your students, and we will continue to do our best to support you.
Randy M. Shayler, Owner & CEO