Dear Music Educators,
Although we firmly believe that music is essential, we respect Gov. Wolf’s order that all but “life-sustaining” businesses in Pennsylvania must shut down immediately. By request of the Governor, as of 8pm this evening 3/19, Zeswitz Music’s operations in our warehouse and repair shop are closed. Customer service, rental administration, and repair administration remain open and those teams are working remotely.
In service to you, your students, and your music programs, we continue to offer what our dedicated employees and I can do from our own homes:
We will continue providing updates to educator resources on our Covid-19 page, including the first two educator interviews in our “Viral Teaching via Distance Learning” series coming out tomorrow.
Our customer service and rental administration for parents is operating normally. Parents can contact us via our website or by phone at 610-406-4300 during our usual hours. In addition, students and parents can still:
Because of the shutdown, we will store these requests and fulfill them as soon as we are allowed to operate again.
We’re at your service to answer your calls, texts, and emails to give you the information you need about our operations and your orders. Please reach out to your Education Representative, to our Repair Administrator Mike Vought, or to me directly. You can still use our Teacher Portal to check the status of instruments and orders.
We may be able to perform some light instrument repairs from our homes on an emergency basis, although we are very limited in the logistics of picking up and dropping off instruments. Please contact your education representative or me for details.
As always, our first priority must be the health and safety of our people - we’re so proud of the talented team we have assembled and all they do for you, our clients. Once we know our team is safe and well, we continue to do our best to fulfill our duty to pursue our mission to support you, your students, and your music programs. As I wrote in my last update, Zeswitz Music as a 97 year old institution has endured a world war and over a dozen major recessions during its history, including the Great Depression. We’re in a strong position today, and we’re confident that we will get through this together.
Please continue to do all the wonderful things we’ve seen you doing to teach and serve your students remotely. We’re so grateful and inspired by your perseverance and creativity. We promise to do all we can for you - within the limitations of what is safe for our team, and what is allowed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Randy M. Shayler, Owner & CEO