Jan. 26, 2020 Press Release: The 2020 Directors Workshop has been rescheduled to April 4, 2020.
Thank you for your interest in the Directors Workshop and for your commitment to professional development.
Register TODAY for
Zeswitz Music
Directors Workshop
Rescheduled to Saturday, April 4th 2020
North Penn High School
9:00AM to 4:00PM
Registration opens at 8:30AM (Coffee, Bagels, Donuts)
Catered Lunch Provided
Workshop Agenda:
Morning Sessions
9:00 am Ensemble Sessions
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Randy Shayler, CEO of Zeswitz Music
“Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships”
Rick Ghinelli, Conn-Selmer, Inc.
Walt Straiton, Conn-Selmer, Inc.
10:30 am Split sessions
* Warm-up Techniques and Fundamentals for Growing Ensembles
Clinician: Rick Ghinelli
Demonstration group: North Penn Middle School Wind Ensemble, Tim Jernigan
* Developing a Strolling Strings Model
Clinician: Walt Straiton
Demonstration group: SpringFord Area High School Orchestra, Emily McGranahan
Lunch will be provided by Zeswitz Music